With most people looking to save money on just about every purchase at the moment, many retailers have to try harder than ever to tempt their customers - even when it comes to the impulse buy. British tastes have changed radically in the last twenty years, with a focus on health and well-being, meaning that snacking and snack foods have a bad press amongst many consumers. For those retailing in the food and hospitality industries re-positioning their snack offerings is essential to continue to maximise a profitable turn over.
The good news is that although many areas of retail are struggling to survive in the recession, the snack industry is still growing relatively well. Even where domestic food budgets are being squeezed, it seems the temptation to snack continues to, well, bite! Besides, it offers comfort and is often the centre of a social occasion with friends at home. For pubs, bars and convenience stores finding the right products to market to their ever peckish clientele is also easier as the range of products available on the market is much wider than in the past. One rapidly growing market and popular consumer trend lies in the direction of biltong, which is gradually spreading its reach around the UK. Biltong originates in South Africa and is a healthy, air dried meat product marinated in a traditional blend of herbs and spices. It has, in recent years been produced in the UK, to cater for the growing ex-pat community.
In terms of marketability it's a great product to aim at the health conscious consumer. Low in fat, high in protein and essential vitamins, it has long been popular with the more sporty outdoor type. Produced using lean cuts of meat, normally beef but including game and even ostrich, biltong falls among the savoury snack category. Jerky has been better known in the UK until recent years and has already proved to be a popular substitute in pubs and other eateries as an alternative to the usual suspects. Biltong is a similar product, but without the sweetness of jerky and is a healthier alternative to most traditional savoury snacks.
Biltong distributors and manufactures in the UK are generally of the ex-pat variety, creating this authentic meaty snack to their own traditional South African recipe. The actual import from South Africa is not allowed under UK and EU regulations, but with the number of small businesses producing and distributing the product it's not difficult to source. In addition to the range of pubs and bars now stocking biltong products, Morrisons, Tescos and a range of smaller outlets are now helping to raise the profile of biltong in the UK. It's also increasingly found in small butchers around the country and proving equally popular here as it's a great base for a whole range of recipes. For those looking to stock the South African snack option, there are biltong distributors in the UK specifically focussed on supplying trade outlets. Variety is considered the spice of life and in the case of this beefy meat product it can offer a very affordable way to flavour up any menu.
Milton Keynes based biltong supplier sells locally produced beef biltong made to a traditional South African family recipe. Offering a healthy alternative to many traditional snack foods, biltong is finding increasing popularity within the UK market.
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